Dieting and abstinence is the way forward for the New Year. Or is it? For most people, a regime of strict eating isn’t long term achievable after the first couple of weeks of the New Year have passed, and those resolutions have been forgotten! The bulge we feel after festive indulgence may have dissipated slightly, and when it does, that’s when all the good intentions go out the window! With this in mind, the Cookery School at Donnybrook Fair has designed some specific courses to make healthy eating a daily pattern, rather than a torturous routine. The teaching chefs feel healthy eating can be achieved every day with fresh fish, seasonal ingredients and unusual vegetarian options to be explored. The new classes for the new year include all these elements – to get you right on track with your eating habits in 2014. So don’t feel to disheartened if your vows to change dietary habits have already come crashing down around you. There’s a new way of looking at feeling and looking good in the weeks to come. Check the link here for details of remaining courses and classes this month and in the coming months at Donnybrook Fair. May just be what you need to get you into optimum shape as spring and summer approach!