There’s been lots in the news about food waste of late. How to deal with this burgeoning problem. From French legislation to ban supermarkets from throwing food away, instead donating unsold edible food to charity or as animal feed, to the latest story in The Guardian about  the ‘Solidarity Fridge’ – a Spanish initiative where an empty fridge is left in a designated protected space,  and can be filled with leftover food donations from local residents or restaurants, wanting to cut down on wastage. According to the article, certain rules apply – for example,  if it is homemade it must be labelled with a date of making, no raw fish or meat to be left and cans and packs of food must be within sell by dates. Items are checked regularly by volunteers, to make sure nothing in the fridge is going to be unfit to eat.  Much legislation was required to make this initiative happen, and as far as the report goes, it’s working pretty well. Anyone can use the Solidarity Fridge – it’s designed for all members of the public –  from those in need to those just passing through and wanting to have a nose to see what’s inside. The focus is to reduce the amount of food that gets thrown in the bin weekly.  Tell us what you think. Could this work here in Ireland?