Did your alarm go off on time this morn? It did? Good! Did you stub your toe getting out of bed? No? Excellent! And you managed to get to work without major incident? You are clearly intact if you are reading this blog. So far so good. Today is Friday 13th – the day when things are bound to go wrong…allegedly.We got to thinking. Are bad associations with this day and date just an old wives tale? Borne of an old western superstition we’ve long been living with and taken for granted will amount to bad happenings. The unluckiest day of the year. There are factors occuring in life past and present, that might be relevant. Numerology could provide a key. The number 12 is linked to the months of the year, apostles of Jesus, the hours of a clock and signs of the zodiac, among other things. This number is considered to have complete regularity. Unlike unlucky 13 – it’s all out of sync with things! There’s an odd one out at the table here – which is why most people won’t seat 13 people round a table. Why Friday though? Well again the day has had bad press down the line – for example,  as not a good day to start out on a journey,  and in religion, the day Christ was crucified. Link Friday and 13 together and there’s even a name for the phobia people have about it! Friggatriskaidephobia – Frigga ( the Goddess after whom Friday was named) – and the other bit (which is a long word we cant type out again) means fear of the number 13. We decided here at Good Food Ireland HQ we weren’t going to let the superstitions of today get to us. Business will continue as usual – with no heed paid to potential disasters… Forget that. It’s most certainly  old hat and state of mind is everything. Think positive. One happy thought, two happy thoughts, three happy thoughts and etc. Then think of a good reason why thirteen is an okay number. Well there’s a baker’s dozen. A dozen to a baker is actually thirteen.  They hold nothing against the extra one. Far from it being bad – it’s better than twelve. We tend to agree. The consensus here is that we’d much rather have thirteen Waterford Blaas, thirteen crusty baguettes, thirteen cupcakes or in fact,  thirteen of anything that comes from any one of our artisan bakers. So who’s going out to get them then?  Ah, right, no volunteers. Surely you don’t think something bad could happen on the way do you…