You’ll certainly be singing the lyrics to Thin Lizzie’s famous version of ‘Whiskey in the Jar’ when you visit the Irish Whiskey bar at Waterford’s Granville Hotel. Here is a place where serious whiskey tasters come to sample one of the largest collections of Irish whiskies in the land. Everyday, between forty and fifty whiskies are served at the Granville, all beautifully displayed and labelled in a specially whiskey cabinet. It’s a very impressive collection, carefully put together by General Manager Richard Hurley and his bar staff. Richard has been steadily growing this collection for the last year or so, and he can be rightly proud of it. Hotel residents and visitors to the bar get a talk through of whiskey tasting, before sampling specially chosen Irish whiskies. Afterwards, a special souvenir whiskey certificate is awarded with details of the whiskies tasted. While you are in the hotel, sample the fine cuisine of the Bianconi Restaurant, which has great deals in Early Bird and evening set menu dining, plus an a la carte menu of specials which can be added at a small supplement to the set menu option or chosen from individually. The bar serves a selection of bar snacks and specials, plus a magnificent carvery lunch. The Granville is one of Ireland’s ‘old school’ hotels, in the nicest possible way, where superlative service and staff knowledge and professionalism underpins the offering all the way through.  Say hello to Richard and his team and check out the ultimate in Irish Whiskey collections for yourself. Guaranteed to send whiskey connoisseurs into a dream state!