Wednesday Evening Wine Tasting Course at Ely Wine Bar
A 4 week Wednesday evening wine course at Ely Wine Bar, Dublin 2.
Ian Brosnan brings his extraordinary wine course to the Ely Wine Bar, Dublin. Open up to a world of different wines under the capable tutelage of this award-winning wine sommelier. The course runs on four consecutive Wednesday evenings and is a gateway to a wealth of wine experience.
Courses are booking up fast, and are truly a bargain. Each week you will be invited to not only taste your way through a journey of wines, but to taste the wonderful food of Ely Wine Bar. Your course includes dinner, wine and all the tasting sheets you’ll need.
This is an inviting evening that is easy-going, and full of flavour and knowledge. As if all this wasn’t delightful enough, the course is set in the beautiful Ely Wine Bar private Georgian Dining Room.
The course runs over the following evenings: Wed 13th, 20th, 27th of January, and the 3rd of February.