Make Your Own Butter, Yoghurt and Cheese

Learn the art of making your own butter, yoghurt and cheese at Ballymaloe Cookery School.

There is nothing more important than Good Food at Ballymaloe Cookery School. They believe in making food less complicated, and this course is a perfect example of their approach to food. A lot of people seem to think that making their own dairy products at home is a difficult task. But the folk at Ballymaloe assure us that this course will wipe that rumour away. 

This is a morning course that will include a light lunch after the demonstration. You can expect a comfortable atmosphere and to develop a true passion for making dairy. You will come away knowing how to make a long list of delicious dairy products including homemade butter, yoghurt, cottage cheese, coeur a la crème, labneh, paneer, and a simple farmhouse cheese. You’ll also discover how added flavour can be achieved with fresh herbs and fruit. Can you imagine the luxury of enjoying a slab of cheese made with your very own hands?

Butter and cheese making is a craft that the Ballymaloe Cookery School in Shanagarry assures us is deeply satisfying. It’s a simple craft that deserved to be resurrected. Not only that but the skills you learn will equip you to make dairy that can provide you with a little extra income, or develop a vibrant dairy business.

Students who would like to learn how to milk a cow (an interesting addition to any CV!) get there at 8.15am (please let them know you're on your way!). Students that get there early will see how to milk Jersey cows and separate the milk and cream