About Good Food Ireland® Groups

Good Food Ireland is collaborating with other premium group, county and place brands all over the island of Ireland that share our philosophy. We want to ensure you get a full and fair representation of the very best of what our island has to offer. Good Food Ireland directs you to premium Irish food and drink experiences where you are assured of a genuine and authentic taste of Ireland, so just follow the sign or get inspired through our social media. Our deep understanding at farm and production level through to the dining experience on the plate lends to the highest of standards and affords the opportunity to understand and learn about Ireland’s age old Irish food culture.


Our first group brand partnership is Irish Hereford Prime, a premium brand of Irish beef founded by Irish farmers. Look out for it on menus, when shopping for your beef and ask your local butcher. Taste the difference! We will shortly be introducing other groups as well as county and place brands to highlight the premium value of their food and drink offer. Meanwhile just follow the Good Food Ireland brand or get inspired through our social media.


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Irish Hereford Prime 

This is wonderful brand, made up of over 6,000 Irish Hereford Beef farmers all over Ireland who came together in 1997 to create a market and sell their beef. They are committed to producing premium quality Irish beef with sustainable methods based on strict criteria including age and weight.


Fed on lush Irish grass pastures Irish Hereford Prime has a unique taste, flavour and texture. Traditionally the Irish Hereford was one of the foremost beef breeds in Ireland but over the years it was challenged by continental breeds and crosses.


However, Irish Hereford Prime has given farmers the opportunity to sustainably produce premium quality beef. This together with its reputation of excellence, not just here at home but internationally, has once again led to the soaring popularity of Irish Hereford beef production in Ireland. 


Chefs have made Irish Hereford Prime a centre point of their menus. The marbling ability of the breed together with the tenderness and texture of the beef ensure a superior quality eating experience every time. 

Irish Hereford Prime